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learned about different blogs, wikis, and Social Network providers
explored different features of blogs, wikis and Social Networks
created your own blog and/or wiki
created a Twitter account
followed the baw2013 twitter account and use the #baw2013 hashtag
attended the live session on the topic of the week
commented on the presentation of the week
Task 1
What is your definition of a blog, a wiki, and a Social Network? How are they similar/different? If you would like some ideas, take a look at the suggested readings for this week. Also, there are many videos that would be interesting to explore on our Tutorials page.
Create your blog and/or wiki. To be able to pay you a visit at your newly born blog/and or wiki, it's very important for you to share the address (es) in the Participants Productions page.
Create your twitter account and follow the baw2013 in Twitter. Don't forget to tweet using our hashtag #baw2013.
For more help on how to create a twitter account, blog or a wiki you may also check Tutorials page.
Task 2
Congratulations and welcome to the blogsphere! Now, explore the different features and try to:
Pang, Chiew. Why Twitter for Teachers? (A collection of articles, resources, etc. for teachers and others to see the benefit of social networks such as Twitter).
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