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Live Sessions

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Sessions Timetable
Let's meet our panel of guest speakers!
Week 1
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Teresa Almeida d'Eca

I'm a retired EFL teacher and currently an online and f2f teacher trainer in Web 2.0 tools. I taught English for 33 years at most levels. I live and work from home in a small town in the suburbs of Lisbon, Portugal. In January 2002, I joined the Webheads in Action for the EVOnline 8-week teacher development workshop - yes, back then it was 8 weeks!!! - and since then I've been actively involved in the cyberworld of education! I've been coordinator and moderator of BaW with Dafne González since 2004. It's the longest-running EVO workshop celebrating its "10th Anniversary" this year. So far we've reached 2800 colleagues in 104 countries. I also co-moderate with Dafne the TESOL Principles and Practices Certificate Program course "Teaching Vocabulary and Grammar Online". You're welcome to visit my website and get in touch with me at teresadeca-at-gmail.com.
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Tuesday, Jan. 15,
17:00 - 18:00 GMT
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Fernanda Rodrigues

I have been retired for a couple of years, after a career of 38 years as an EFL teacher at secondary schools. I was responsible for several ICT projects at my school like the school webpage, Moodle platform and projects with educational resources. I have also been a teacher trainer, f2f and online. I have been a Webhead since 2002 and a co-moderator in BaW workshops for some years. |
"The ins and outs of Yahoo Groups and Pbworks"
Week 2
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Teresa Almeida d'Eca/Tere

I'm a retired EFL teacher and currently an online and f2f teacher trainer in Web 2.0 tools. I taught English for 33 years at most levels. I live and work from home in a small town in the suburbs of Lisbon, Portugal. In January 2002, I joined the Webheads in Action for the EVOnline 8-week teacher development workshop - yes, back then it was 8 weeks!!! - and since then I've been actively involved in the cyberworld of education! I've been coordinator and moderator of BaW with Dafne González since 2004. It's the longest-running EVO workshop celebrating its "10th Anniversary" this year. So far we've reached 2800 colleagues in 104 countries. I also co-moderate with Dafne the TESOL Principles and Practices Certificate Program course "Teaching Vocabulary and Grammar Online". You're welcome to visit my website and get in touch with me at teresadeca-at-gmail.com.
Webheads Elluminate vRoom
Wednesday, Jan. 23,
17:00 - 18:00 GMT
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Ayat Tawel

Hi everyone !!
I'm Ayat Tawel, an EFL senior teacher from Cairo, Egypt. I have been teaching different age groups and levels for more than twelve years. I'm currently teaching young learners. My main interests are online teaching & learning, using web 2.0 tools in teaching and enhancing creativity in the classroom.
Joining BaW 11 was a turning point in my professional development and social life too. It has opened a door to a wonderful world full of amazing wonders and helpful language educators & friends. It's not just learning about new web 2.0 tools that you can apply in your teaching practice, but it also plans your life-long journey of PD. Since that time, I have conducted some successful international collaboration projects with teachers from different countries around the world and presented about them in online and f2f events and conferences. So, BaW is just the starting point to life after BaW which will be great !!! I have also gained many wonderful friends whom you will meet in BaW13 too !!
I'm very excited about joining such a wonderful group of webheads as a moderator for the second year. I'll be co-moderating weeks 2 & 3 ! Hope you all enjoy learning, and sharing in Baw13 !!
Skype ID : Ayat.Tawel
YM: tooty5979
Twitter: @ayatawel
Ayat's intro |
Jose Antonio da Silva

Hello Everyone,
My name is Jose Antonio. I am an EFL teacher living in Brasilia, Brazil. I have been a co-moderator in BaW for some time and it is always a pleasure to join this enthusiastic group of educators once more.
I have been teaching English for 22 years and I love what I do. In the school where I teach, I am proud to say that we now have a large group of teachers engaged with technology in one way or another.
Warm hugs from Brazil
Skype ID: joseantoniook
Yahoo ID: Joseaokc
Twitter: joseantoniook
"Demoing week 2 audio and video tools"
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Michael Coghlan

Michael Coghlan has designed and delivered online courses in ESL, eModeration, and Using Online Technologies, and is an online instructor for the Graduate Certificate in eLearning delivered by Adelaide Institute of TAFE. He has written widely on issues to do with elearning, and presented at several international conferences, both physically and as a remote presenter. As a Flexible Learning Leader for the Australian Flexible Learning Framework in 2003 Michael researched the use of online voice technologies. Not surprisingly, he is a passionate believer in the power of online voice communications to inspire and motivate students.
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Thursday, Jan. 24,
12:00 - 13:00 GMT
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"Using Synchronous and Asynchronous Communication Tools in Teaching"
Week 3
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Graham Stanley

Graham Stanley works as a senior teacher for the British Council in Barcelona, Spain, and on projects such as aPLaNet (http://aplanet-project.org/) and iTILT (http://itilt.eu/). He has an M.Ed. in ELT & Educational Technology (University of Manchester), is co-author of the book 'Digital Play' (Delta Publishing) and the forthcoming book 'Language learning with technology' (Cambridge) and is joint co-ordinator of the IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG.
Webheads Elluminate vRoom
Monday, Jan 28
20:00-21:00 GMT
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"Personal Learning Networks " |
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Ayat Tawel/ @ayatawel

Hi everyone !!
I'm Ayat Tawel, an EFL senior teacher from Cairo, Egypt. I have been teaching different age groups and levels for more than twelve years. I'm currently teaching young learners. My main interests are online teaching & learning, using web 2.0 tools in teaching and enhancing creativity in the classroom.
Joining BaW 11 was a turning point in my professional development and social life too. It has opened a door to a wonderful world full of amazing wonders and helpful language educators & friends. It's not just learning about new web 2.0 tools that you can apply in your teaching practice, but it also plans your life-long journey of PD. Since that time, I have conducted some successful international collaboration projects with teachers from different countries around the world and presented about them in online and f2f events and conferences. So, BaW is just the starting point to life after BaW which will be great !!! I have also gained many wonderful friends whom you will meet in BaW13 too !!
I'm very excited about joining such a wonderful group of webheads as a moderator for the second year. I'll be co-moderating weeks 2 & 3 ! Hope you all enjoy learning, and sharing in Baw13 !!
Skype ID : Ayat.Tawel
YM: tooty5979
Twitter: @ayatawel
Ayat's intro |
Webheads Elluminate vRoom
Saturday, Feb 2
17:00-18:00 GMT
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Marijana Smolcec/ @mscro1

I am Marijana Smolčec (Smolcec) from Ogulin, Croatia. I am a teacher of English and Croatian language and literature, but have only been teaching English for the past 10 years at a secondary school Gimnazija Bernardina Frankopana. Last year I finished my first EVO – Baw11 which opened my eyes and helped me improve my teaching skills by implementing web technology in my classroom. Since then I have worked on several projects with my students, started a penpal wiki and Skype interview project with a colleague from Uruguay and her students, had a webinar for Croatian school leaving students at http://www.mojamatura.net/ , attended many online conferences and met so many great people that are now my PLN. I have really worked a lot and I have enjoyed every minute of it. I am happy to be joining Baw13 this year as a moderator. I will be moderating week 3 and 4 with some great teachers. I blog at http://englishlearning-marijanasblog.blogspot.com/
Let's explore, learn, share and have fun!
YahooID: silipa302
Facebook: Marijana Smolcec
Skype: mare302
Twitter: @mscro1
Marijana's intro
"Demoing Twitter and Blogger"
Week 4
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Arjana Blazic

Arjana Blazic is a high school English and German teacher from Zagreb, Croatia. She is an avid user of web 2.0 technologies and a lifelong learner with a strong passion for travel. One of her major goals is to teach her students how to effectively use technology for learning. She has organized and participated in many international projects and school exchanges. She is the author of the award-winning wiki Greetings from the world, which connects teachers and students from across six continents. She is especially proud of the website Moja matura, which she co-runs, and which enables secondary students from all over Croatia to access free interactive exam preparation materials for their standardized school-leaving exams. She also co-runs the popular form called Teachmeets together with two other collegues. Teachers from all around the world join the online conference and exchange their ideas within 3 minutes. Traveloteacher is her blog about travelling and teaching, and on her Croatian blog, The Fellowship of Twitter, she writes about web 2.0 tools. Her Twitter handle is @abfromz.
Webheads Elluminate vRoom
Thursday, Feb 7,
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"Tools for online testing" |
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Cláudio Azevedo

- Claudio Azevedo is a teacher at the Casa Thomas Jefferson, Brasilia, Brazil. He is a Branch Coordinator and Teacher Trainer as well. He really likes movies and seeing them with "different" eyes, trying to see how he can use them in his classroom. Recently, he has dedicated his ideas to grammar activities with movie segments because, apparently, teachers use movies for many purposes, but grammar. Working with movie segments fosters students' production and interest. He truly believes that grammar exercises should be attractive. This passion for movies gave him the idea of creating the very successful Blog Movie Segments to Assess Grammar Goals. see also Movie Segments for Warm-ups and Follow-ups
Webheads Elluminate vRoom
Saturday, Feb. 9
17:00 - 18:00 GMT
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"From Darkness to a Sparkling Connected ELT Community" |
Week 5
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Speakers' Bio
Venue and Time in GMT
Ayat Tawel/Tooty

Hi everyone !!
I'm Ayat Tawel, an EFL senior teacher from Cairo, Egypt. I have been teaching different age groups and levels for more than twelve years. I'm currently teaching young learners. My main interests are online teaching & learning, using web 2.0 tools in teaching and enhancing creativity in the classroom.
Joining BaW 11 was a turning point in my professional development and social life too. It has opened a door to a wonderful world full of amazing wonders and helpful language educators & friends. It's not just learning about new web 2.0 tools that you can apply in your teaching practice, but it also plans your life-long journey of PD. Since that time, I have conducted some successful international collaboration projects with teachers from different countries around the world and presented about them in online and f2f events and conferences. So, BaW is just the starting point to life after BaW which will be great !!! I have also gained many wonderful friends whom you will meet in BaW13 too !!
I'm very excited about joining such a wonderful group of webheads as a moderator for the second year. I'll be co-moderating weeks 2 & 3 ! Hope you all enjoy learning, and sharing in Baw13 !!
Skype ID : Ayat.Tawel
YM: tooty5979
Twitter: @ayatawel
Ayat's intro
Webheads Elluminate vRoom
Monday, Feb. 11
18:00 - 19:00 GMT
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Maria Bossa

Hi dear you all!
My name is Maria; I'm from Río Tercero, in the province of Córdoba in Argentina. I have been teaching English for almost 20 years and I love teaching!! I teach from little kids to adults. I enjoy EVO sessions a lot and I hope you do the same. Being part of the BaW team has not only opened doors and windows for my career but also has opened doors and windows for meeting fantastic people who have now become part of my family. All the best and all the success during the sessions! Just in case... I'm the "SMILING" from the group! You will notice why quite soon!!
Yahoo ID: teacher_mariaines
Skype: maria.bossa1
Twitter: @mariabossa
Maria's intro
Marijana Smolcec

I am Marijana Smolčec (Smolcec) from Ogulin, Croatia. I am a teacher of English and Croatian language and literature, but have only been teaching English for the past 10 years at a secondary school Gimnazija Bernardina Frankopana. Last year I finished my first EVO – Baw11 which opened my eyes and helped me improve my teaching skills by implementing web technology in my classroom. Since then I have worked on several projects with my students, started a penpal wiki and Skype interview project with a colleague from Uruguay and her students, had a webinar for Croatian school leaving students at http://www.mojamatura.net/ , attended many online conferences and met so many great people that are now my PLN. I have really worked a lot and I have enjoyed every minute of it. I am happy to be joining Baw13 this year as a moderator. I will be moderating week 3 and 4 with some great teachers. I blog at http://englishlearning-marijanasblog.blogspot.com/
Let's explore, learn, share and have fun!
YahooID: silipa302
Facebook: Marijana Smolcec
Skype: mare302
Twitter: @mscro1
Marijana's intro
Claudia Carril

My name is Claudia, I teach English in Uruguay and this is my 5th time at EVO.
During the previous years I learnt how to create websites, wikis, blogs, and the use of different tools in the classroom. My students work mostly with our wiki, our blog and Skype. Our school year starts in March and I'd like to surprise my students with new projects. I have a Bachelor in TESOL (University of London) and hope to have an MA in the future. I run a small language school in Montevideo where I teach children, teens and adults. I train students to take University of Cambridge and Trinity College examinations, but I also teach people who want to brush up their English to travel, for a job, or just for fun.
My wiki is: www.theenglishcorner.com.ar
My blog is: www.englishcorne-claudia.blogspot.com
My Skype name is: hydeparkuruguay
My e-mail is: claro@adinet.com.uy
See you around
Claudia's intro
Special Session: "Learning Together" and "Let's get to know you!" |
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Rita Zeinstejer

Rita Zeinstejer - Instructional Technology Specialist
- EFL Teacher- Former Advanced Courses, Self Access, Laboratory, Multimedia Coordinator at Asociacion Rosarina de Cultura Inglesa (1980-2010)
- CALL SIG Coordinator at APrIR 2001-2008
- Member of “Webheads in Action” an online Community of Practice doing research on Internet tools for Language Learning, since 2002.
- Presenter at online and f2f international Seminars and Congresses: -TESOL, LABCI, COBCI, IATEFL (see http://www.zeinstejer.com/)
- Current Cambridge ESOL Oral Examiner
- Google Certified Teacher 2008
- CALL-IS TESOL Steering Committee Member 2009-2012
- CALL Consultant and Co-Director at http://techtools4educators1.blogspot.com/
- TICs en el Aula Co-Director
- Selected as one of fourteen scholars to attend WorldCALL Conference in Glasgow, Scotland from July 10 to 13, 2013.
Email: rita@zeinstejer.com
Webheads Elluminate vRoom
Wednesday, Feb. 13
13:00 - 14:00 GMT
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"Google Applications"
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Rubena St. Louis

Rubena St. Louis has a MSc in Applied Linguistics from Simón Bolívar University, in Venezuela where she teaches in their graduate programme and ESP at undergraduate level. Her interests include cognition and learning, Materials development and Evaluation, Language Teaching Methodologies and ICT and Autonomous Learning. Rubena has been a member of the EVO coordination team. In 2002, she co-moderated an EVO session on Lesson Planning and Course Design
Webheads Elluminate vRoom
Friday, Feb. 15
18:30 - 19:30 GMT
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" Designing online and blended lessons"
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