Babicka, B. and Nevaril, J. (2008). Hot Potatoes - How Not to Get Burnt. (Interesting hints on the usage of Hot Potatoes. After opening the file, click on the text to enlarge it.)
A short note: HotPotatoes terms of use have changed:
"Hot Potatoes is now freeware. The complete version of the programs isnow available for free, from the Downloads section . The freeversion of Hot Potatoes for Windows is version 6.3, and the Javaversion is 6.1." "The Hot Potatoes suite includes six applications, enabling you tocreate interactive multiple-choice, short-answer, jumbled-sentence,crossword, matching/ordering and gap-fill exercises for the World WideWeb. Hot Potatoes is freeware, and you may use it for any purpose orproject you like. It is not open-source."
(This article focuses on this utility of the Internet. Some sites are presented where teachers can easily design activities and exercises online, such as quizzes, tests, puzzles or surveys, which require no advanced computer skills. Included are only those tools that are free for educational use for obvious reasons.)
A short note:
2 of the sites mentioned in the article no longer exist; one is Headline Makers:;
when you click on the link you get the message: The server at is taking too long to respond.
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