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Page history last edited by Teresa Almeida d'Eca 11 years, 3 months ago



First BaW13 TweetMeet

(9Jun13, 19:00 GMT)


Before you read the "tweetlog", as I like to call it, here are a few things to bear in mind. I (Teresa) did a search for different hashtags, because our workshop hashtag had other people that have nothing to do with us, and I came up with #13baw, which was totally free. Fernanda and I tested it and everything was posted in that hashtag page.


There are things that I forget from one year to the next, so I'll recap how a TweetMeet goes. We go to the Twitter homepage and tweet to our heart's delight, not forgetting to use the agreed hashtag anywhere in our tweet (beginning, middle or end). When the TM is through, all our tweets will be in the hashtag page.


Since we like to create a wiki page for everything, I asked Mariajan for a copy of the tweetlog. She sent it, but also gave me instructions on how to do it.

  • go to Tweetdoc < http://www.tweetdoc.org/ > and create an account (if you don't have one)
  • next to the green + icon, insert the hashtag and click "Create Tweetdoc"
  • fill in the necessary fields (I just clicked "Document options", st the max. number of tweets and "unchecked" "Show newest tweets first" so that they show in the order they happened)
  • click "Create Tweetdoc" and wait!!! (It may take a few minutes.)


We get a .pdf file and then can copy-paste its content to the wiki, as I did below. As to the images, they wouldn't copy or paste, so I made a screenshot and uploaded it to the wiki.





Event Participants



BaW13 TweetMeet on 9Jun13

#13baw just testing

07-Jun-13 13:24 | teresadeca

@teresadeca #13baw testing once again

07-Jun-13 13:25 | teresadeca

@teresadeca #13baw I saw your test!

07-Jun-13 14:16 | mfr

@mfr #13baw great!!!

07-Jun-13 14:19 | teresadeca

#learning2gether events announced at http://t.co/by1uOMJNXE Sun Jun 9; 1300 GMT @AnaCristinaPrts on

volunteerism & 1900 GMT #13baw tweetmeet

07-Jun-13 19:40 | VanceS

Hi Teresa and all ! Adding my test to yours :) I will be online at 7:00 GMT on Sunday #13baw

08-Jun-13 00:30 | Mbarek

Hi Fernanda , hi Vance , I hope the #13baw tag is working ?

08-Jun-13 00:32 | Mbarek

@Mbarek the #13baw tag is working fine :-) check https://t.co/rzdOjjdc7y and see :-))

08-Jun-13 05:09 | VanceS

@VanceS has invited you to the event 'Learning2gether with BaW Tweetmeet' on #TESOLArabia Sun June 9

1900 GMT

http://t.co/fwik4PTTRs #13baw

08-Jun-13 06:26 | justaskdan

@teresadeca @mfr #13baw see you all tomorrow

08-Jun-13 14:57 | svetlanaobe

#13BAW Best wishes for a successful tweet-up! Not sure I'll make it, but sending wishes for a bit of F.U.N. along

with useful learning ~

08-Jun-13 15:07 | hollydilatush

@VanceS Thanks Vance ,That's right the tag is working fine :) #13baw

08-Jun-13 15:25 | Mbarek

How To Use Twitter - Basics For New Users!: http://t.co/kfebapEhCi via @youtube #13baw

08-Jun-13 18:19 | Mbarek

How to use Twitter [Infographic] by @Partyaficionado on @slideshare #cheryllawson #howtousetwitter

http://t.co/LXW2XSIEtP #13baw

08-Jun-13 18:41 | Mbarek

RT @Mbarek: How To Use Twitter - Basics For New Users!: http://t.co/kfebapEhCi via @youtube #13baw

08-Jun-13 20:14 | mscro1

Gr8 2 have yet another TM 4 #13baw - CU tomorrow @ 19 GMT, hope U join us @abfromz, we will B there

@Mbarek @teresadeca @mfr @joseantoniook

08-Jun-13 20:16 | mscro1

Tomrow's Tm wil B moderated by @Mbarek & me but the whole #13baw team will share what's new after BAW :)

@abfromz @kfraztsai @CholponM80ELT

08-Jun-13 20:18 | mscro1

RT @mscro1: Tomrow's Tm wil B moderated by @Mbarek & me but the whole #13baw team will share what's

new after BAW :) @abfromz @kfraztsai @CholponM80ELT

08-Jun-13 20:22 | abfromz

@joseantoniook @abfromz @Mbarek @teresadeca @mfr super CU soon #13baw

08-Jun-13 20:51 | mscro1

@abfromz thx 4 RT, hope to C U tmorrow #13baw - we had to change the hashtag :)

08-Jun-13 20:52 | mscro1@mscro1 @abfromz You re welcome :) C U Tomorrow at 7:00 pm GMT #13baw

08-Jun-13 21:33 | Mbarek

Educational Hash Tags | @scoopit http://t.co/5JY6g3iYQu #13baw

09-Jun-13 15:28 | Mbarek

C U soon #13baw TweetMeet, check Ur time zone here http://t.co/sh1yanaYua I arrive at 19.00 - hope not late

@kfraztsai, :)

09-Jun-13 17:54 | mscro1

@catboissier @SnezaFelt #13baw hi cat and sneza! it should start in about 20 mins

09-Jun-13 18:37 | teresadeca

Hello @lolesova!! u r doing fine!!! #13baw

09-Jun-13 18:39 | mariabossa

@lolesova I'm doing fine enjoying my sunday afternoon with you! #13baw

09-Jun-13 18:44 | mariabossa

Ready for a TweetMeet with our BaW13!! #13baw

09-Jun-13 18:44 | mariabossa

@victorhugor Hi Victor! I guess we'll discuss about what we've been doing these days after baw13 :) #13baw

09-Jun-13 18:45 | mariabossa

@victorhugor nop, it's for all bawers! U can join us!! #13baw

09-Jun-13 18:50 | mariabossa

@Mbarek Hi Mbarek, we will be meeting at #13baw

09-Jun-13 18:53 | svetlanaobe

@lolesova Hi Larisa. It is #13baw

09-Jun-13 18:54 | svetlanaobe

@lolesova As I said. In twitter #13baw

09-Jun-13 18:55 | svetlanaobe

@lolesova @mariabossa #13baw we'll be tweeting with this hashtag and then the conversation will appear in the

URL I sent

09-Jun-13 18:56 | teresadeca

@svetlanaobe @lolesova #13baw i'm still going to have sth to eat :-)

09-Jun-13 18:57 | teresadeca

@teresadeca @lolesova yeap, sure!!! #13baw

09-Jun-13 18:57 | mariabossa

Hi everyone , glad to join you at #13baw

09-Jun-13 18:58 | Mbarek

@Mbarek #13baw Good to see you here tonight. A blackbird singing behind my window. Beautiful.

09-Jun-13 18:59 | svetlanaobe

@Mbarek Hi!!! It's nice to see you here!! #13baw

09-Jun-13 18:59 | mariabossa

Nice to see so many witty Webheads and Bawers again :) Missed you all this time #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:02 | Mbarek

@svetlanaobe Hello Svetlana!! Nice to see you here, too! :) #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:03 | mariabossaHi all, good to be with you again #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:03 | svetlanaobe

RT @svetlanaobe: Hi all, good to be with you again #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:03 | mscro1

hello all, I am a bit late, will join you in a minute #13baw :)

09-Jun-13 19:03 | mscro1

Hola Maria , Larisa , Svetlana, y Teresa #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:04 | Mbarek

@lolesova #13baw You are in the right place, my dear deer.

09-Jun-13 19:04 | svetlanaobe

@svetlanaobe #13baw Hi everybody! so good that you could all come

09-Jun-13 19:04 | mfr

@mscro1 You re not late , it s th eright time #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:04 | Mbarek

hi, wonderful BAW people! great Tweetmeet! #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:04 | RitaZ

Hello Fernanda, nice to see you here #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:04 | svetlanaobe

#13baw Hello all dear friends !! Back from my first CELTA day :)

09-Jun-13 19:04 | ayatawel

@mfr @svetlanaobe Hi Fernanda ; nice to TweeMeet with yopu :)#13baw

09-Jun-13 19:05 | Mbarek

We have had a warm and DRY day, after a period of awful rain. #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:05 | svetlanaobe

#13baw hello everyone! glad to be here with you all too. at last :-)

09-Jun-13 19:05 | teresadeca

@victorhugor Hola Hombre !!! waht a great pleasure to meet you . Muchas gracias mi amigo #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:06 | Mbarek

Had a nice dinner, Teresa? #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:06 | svetlanaobe

@lolesova @teresadeca Teresa sent us one by mail at the yahoo baw2013 group (the participants one) #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:06 | mariabossa

@RitaZ It's great to have u with us , dear Rita #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:06 | ayatawel

Welcome everybody . warm greetings from Croatia #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:06 | mscro1

#13baw i'm tweeting in the living-room with the family around. we had just ate mac!!! ;-)

09-Jun-13 19:07 | teresadeca

@ayatawel @RitaZ Welcome dear Rita! Congrats for the BC!!! #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:07 | mariabossa@Mbarek thx, I had to go to pick my son from his Drama class, as hubby is not home, but we are still gathering,

which is super gr8 #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:07 | mscro1

@mscro1 Is it you, Marijana? #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:07 | svetlanaobe

@ayatawel @RitaZ Ahlan Ayat , sorry I thought youi were pregnant :) Good omen I hope :) #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:08 | Mbarek

Hello from Argentina dear bawers! #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:08 | mariabossa

#13baw rita, i'm so glad you joined us! it was great of vance to include this in L2G :-)

09-Jun-13 19:08 | teresadeca

@svetlanaobe yes, who else would it be :) #13baw as @mariabossa calls me a super mum :) up & ready to tweet


09-Jun-13 19:08 | mscro1

These alias are a bit puzzling. #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:08 | svetlanaobe

#13baw i ate a cheeseburger. not hungry latelay and losing weight, finally :-)

09-Jun-13 19:09 | teresadeca

@svetlanaobe yes, I like my profile pic :) #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:09 | mscro1

Marijana, you do not have your name as your login, and your photo does not help :-) #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:09 | svetlanaobe

#13baw lol, ayat and mbarek ;-)

09-Jun-13 19:09 | teresadeca

@Mbarek @ayatawel No mushkela, I deleted the post and wrote a new one! :) #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:10 | mariabossa

@teresadeca I am always working around my family, say hi to all of thm, happy U had nice meal #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:10 | mscro1

@lolesova Noooooooooooo I'm single !!! and no marriage projects on the way yet !! That was a mistake #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:10 | ayatawel

@catboissier #13baw yes, we have

09-Jun-13 19:11 | teresadeca

@ayatawel @lolesova ayat, hope this changes soon #13baw :) as @Mbarek told good omen :)

09-Jun-13 19:11 | mscro1

@mscro1 #13baw tks, marijana :-)

09-Jun-13 19:11 | teresadeca

@ayatawel @lolesova Best wishes Ayat :) #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:11 | Mbarek

#13Baw hi everyone

09-Jun-13 19:12 | joseantoniook

@teresadeca @catboissier hi Cat, weeeeeelcoome! #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:12 | mscro1@mscro1 I'll never mind it as a good omen of course !! Then I will get Mbarek a good gift !! loool #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:12 | ayatawel

Just to be sure mscro1 is Marijana #13baw :) love my twitter handle & my lovely profile image :)

09-Jun-13 19:13 | mscro1

@joseantoniook #13baw Hi JA!

09-Jun-13 19:13 | mfr

@joseantoniook @mscro1 @abfromz @teresadeca @mfr glad to see u here J.A #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:13 | Mbarek

@Mbarek #13Baw thanks Mbarek

09-Jun-13 19:13 | joseantoniook

My other Egyptian friend is pregnant! Poor Ayat.. she almost died when she read the post!!! Sorry twin! #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:13 | mariabossa

#13Baw Hi Marijana

09-Jun-13 19:13 | joseantoniook

#13baw so many dear friends, here! what a great idea that crossed my mind. a TM!!! yes!!!!!

09-Jun-13 19:13 | teresadeca

@ayatawel @mscro1 Inchallah Ayat , you deserve all good things #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:14 | Mbarek

#13Baw Hi Fernanda and Larissa

09-Jun-13 19:14 | joseantoniook

RT @teresadeca: #13baw so many dear friends, here! what a great idea that crossed my mind. a TM!!! yes!!!!!

super YES!!!

09-Jun-13 19:14 | mscro1

@teresadeca a really great idea ! You did us a great favor as me met each other again #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:15 | Mbarek

very nice to meet you all this way..., 4.15 pm in Argentina, ready to see a movie #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:15 | RitaZ

@mariabossa am a bit confused :) with this message, but sounds like good news #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:15 | mscro1

congrats on your brigh idea, Teresinha!!! #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:16 | RitaZ

Is there anybody from BAW 2013 here? #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:16 | svetlanaobe

@joseantoniook how are you doing J.A ; glad to see you here :)#13baw

09-Jun-13 19:16 | Mbarek

#13baw I couldn't resist excitedly mentioning webheads today on my 1st CELTA day !! I bet everybody is

googling it now !!

09-Jun-13 19:16 | ayatawel

@mscro1 Jees, I did post correctly and Mbarek misunderstood the message! Now, I wrote a new one! #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:16 | mariabossa

@lolesova Thanks, it will be great to see what they wrote #13Baw

09-Jun-13 19:16 | joseantoniook@catboissier tweet using #13baw with every of your tweets so it all appear under the same straem, that U can

search in Twitter and follow

09-Jun-13 19:17 | mscro1

I joined Ana Cristina earlier on Elluminate, what a pleasure! ;-) #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:17 | RitaZ

@lolesova I am fine Larissa, how about yourself? #13Baw

09-Jun-13 19:17 | joseantoniook

@mariabossa Thanks Maria !!! Nobody will forget those two minutes post !!! looool ;) #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:17 | ayatawel

@lolesova @mscro1 She is NOT pregnant! please, i guess she will be extremelly mad at me!!! #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:18 | mariabossa

@lolesova @joseantoniook I was not alone to be misled by your post Maria :) #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:19 | Mbarek

@ayatawel I did post corretly and you replied correctly!! I'm toooooooo sad!!! #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:19 | mariabossa

@ayatawel @mariabossa how good news are spraed easily, this is twitter #13Baw, infortunatelly a mistake :(

hope good news soon :)

09-Jun-13 19:19 | mscro1

@lolesova Good. I will have another group by then and I will give them some instructiions on Blackboard #13Baw

09-Jun-13 19:19 | joseantoniook

Hello from Zagreb, Croatia, Glad to connect with you @Mbarek @joseantoniook @mscro1 @teresadeca @mfr


09-Jun-13 19:19 | abfromz

@mariabossa @lolesova @mscro1 #13baw pregnant? who's pregnant? Maria is pregnant? lol

09-Jun-13 19:20 | mfr

@mfr @lolesova @mscro1 Yes.... Mr TUT is the father! #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:20 | mariabossa

@mfr @mariabossa @lolesova @mscro1 loooooooooool That's a good question #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:20 | ayatawel

#13baw welcome, dear arjana!

09-Jun-13 19:21 | teresadeca

@mariabossa @ayatawel come on ladies, all is forgotten, mistakes happen, all in al we can chat & have fun now

hugs " both of U miss U #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:21 | mscro1

@mfr @mariabossa @lolesova @mscro1 Really? Maria pregnant, thats good news.#13Baw

09-Jun-13 19:21 | joseantoniook

@mariabossa @mscro1 I should have read all the comments ! Unfortunately I didn't know Ayat was single


09-Jun-13 19:21 | Mbarek

@abfromz @Mbarek @joseantoniook @teresadeca @mfr HELLO and welcome Arjana #13baw TM :)so happy to

greet you here

09-Jun-13 19:22 | mscro1

@mariabossa @mfr @lolesova @mscro1 #13Baw LOL

09-Jun-13 19:22 | joseantoniook

#13baw lol, maria! or should i say "mrs tut"!!! ;-)

09-Jun-13 19:22 | teresadeca@victorhugor I didn't but I listened to you!!!! #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:22 | mariabossa

@lolesova @mfr @mscro1 great! :) #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:23 | mariabossa

@abfromz @joseantoniook @mscro1 @teresadeca @mfr Hi Arjana , nice to see you here :) #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:23 | Mbarek

@lolesova Me too, Larissa !! Unbelievable, esp when someone joins the chat and asks about it !! lool #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:23 | ayatawel

@mariabossa: @victorhugor I did and I presented as well #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:23 | abfromz

@mariabossa Hi Arjana. Great to have you with us. #13Baw

09-Jun-13 19:23 | joseantoniook

@victorhugor good Questiion Victor, lets answer it, have any of U attened or presented at VTR? #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:24 | mscro1

#13baw we are really a great extended family who enjoys one another's company to the fullest!

09-Jun-13 19:24 | teresadeca

@abfromz @victorhugor Oh really? I didn't listen to your recording!! Sorry :( #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:24 | mariabossa

I've posted several tweets but can see only one on the results page :-( #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:24 | RitaZ

@RitaZ try to refresh your page on twitter #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:24 | mscro1

RT @teresadeca: #13baw we are really a great extended family who enjoys one another's company to the fullest!

09-Jun-13 19:25 | Mbarek

#13baw ritinha, i hope they will all end there so we can a fun "tweetlog"!!! :-)

09-Jun-13 19:25 | teresadeca

@abfromz I can go back and listen to you!! I have the links for the recordings! :) #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:25 | mariabossa

#13baw, It seems Maria and JA connect their twitter to FB ? All your tweets are there, right?

09-Jun-13 19:25 | ayatawel

@abfromz @mariabossa @victorhugor congrats Arjana, VRT is a wonderful conference I missed it this yr, was in

Hungary 4 school project #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:25 | mscro1

RT @teresadeca: #13baw we are really a great extended family who enjoys one another's company to the

fullest!>couldn't agree more! How r U?

09-Jun-13 19:25 | abfromz

@RitaZ #13baw Rita, did you always add #13baw?

09-Jun-13 19:25 | svetlanaobe

@ayatawel I guess that my tweets are there, I closed my FB now! #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:26 | mariabossa

@teresadeca can U send me the link where the post should appear, I missed it #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:26 | mscro1#13baw i think it's all there, ritinha :-)

09-Jun-13 19:26 | teresadeca

#13baw https://t.co/YpLuvjBzRQ

09-Jun-13 19:27 | teresadeca

#13baw just sent it, marijana

09-Jun-13 19:27 | teresadeca

@victorhugor @mscro1 Yeap, I learnt a lot and I loved the mind-mapping you did, Victor! #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:28 | mariabossa

#13baw so what's new with everybody? i'm taking the moodle mooc and think i'm finally making peace with

moodle. right, fernanda :-)

09-Jun-13 19:28 | teresadeca

@teresadeca I started CELTA intensive course today #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:29 | ayatawel

@teresadeca that's cmon search in twiiter & yes all tweets will be saved there #13baw, but i will make funny

storify later of them #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:29 | mscro1

@teresadeca #13baw I hope so, Teresa

09-Jun-13 19:29 | mfr

@teresadeca I'm ready to start my winter holidays in 25 days & I started w/my Rotary activities! :) #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:29 | mariabossa

@teresadeca wonderful, love it, I will do more in Mooodle during summer #13baw, now just waiting 4 school 2


09-Jun-13 19:30 | mscro1

@teresadeca #13baw I'm also in the moodle mooc but I've been lazy. I'm busy with my photos and some online


09-Jun-13 19:30 | mfr

#13baw and i start google mapping tomorrow, ritinha

09-Jun-13 19:30 | teresadeca

#13baw i'm full of speed ;-)

09-Jun-13 19:30 | teresadeca

@teresadeca #13baw I am in a new project where I will have to use moodle a lot so hopefully will get very

familiar with it too.

09-Jun-13 19:31 | svetlanaobe

@teresadeca #13baw what is google mapping? another mooc?

09-Jun-13 19:31 | mfr

Just finished oral exams at the faculty and will start Bac exams o,n Thursday , no peace yet :) #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:32 | Mbarek

#13baw and i'm in a team with a croatian

09-Jun-13 19:32 | teresadeca

@mariabossa @teresadeca #13baw What are your Rotary activities? What will you do exactly?

09-Jun-13 19:32 | svetlanaobe

has anyone been on holidays? @ayatawel @teresadeca @mscro1 #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:32 | mariabossa

@teresadeca #13baw I just sent in my application for Google Teacher Academy - in Chicago!

09-Jun-13 19:32 | abfromz@mfr @teresadeca Teresa said she is also on Moodle mooc Ferrnanda. Are you enjoying it? #13Baw

09-Jun-13 19:32 | joseantoniook

@teresadeca we'll be mapping together ;-) That's GOOGLE !! #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:32 | RitaZ

@mfr #13baw no, fernanda. a 10-day Google course on GMaps & Earth. want me to send the link?

09-Jun-13 19:32 | teresadeca

@mfr @teresadeca What is mooc? #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:32 | svetlanaobe

@svetlanaobe I help with community service; I'm in charge of the Youth Committe! #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:33 | mariabossa

I will have to leave now, dear friends as I have to prepare for a class tomorrow (TP part of the course) !! CU


09-Jun-13 19:33 | ayatawel

Wow, @abfromz , super, :) #baw13 I am in family mode at the moment and Comenius project in school #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:33 | mscro1

@svetlanaobe @teresadeca #13baw yes please, send the link

09-Jun-13 19:33 | mfr

@mariabossa @ayatawel @teresadeca @mscro1 Maria. I will on holiday in about three weeks. #13Baw

09-Jun-13 19:33 | joseantoniook

@ayatawel take care ayat, hope to catch up with U soon #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:33 | mscro1

@ayatawel See you and sorry! take care. love you :) #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:33 | mariabossa

@abfromz @teresadeca Wishing you good luck ! Is the course there free ? #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:33 | Mbarek

@abfromz #13baw way to go, arjana! a certification i'd like to have in a city i'd love to visit

09-Jun-13 19:34 | teresadeca

@mariabossa #13baw No chance yet, finals are behind us, now time for the entrance exams. Holidays will have

to wait.

09-Jun-13 19:34 | svetlanaobe

@joseantoniook @ayatawel @teresadeca @mscro1 me tooooooooooo!!! Winter holidays!!! Yahoo! #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:34 | mariabossa

@ayatawel Take care, Ayat :-) #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:34 | abfromz

@mariabossa @ayatawel @teresadeca holidays start in almost a week #13baw at least 4 students, but I am

happy :)

09-Jun-13 19:34 | mscro1

Thank you all !! Bye !! Wish me good for the coming few weeks, I need it !! :) #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:34 | ayatawel

@ayatawel #13baw good luck! you'll be a star!!! :-)

09-Jun-13 19:34 | teresadeca

RT @teresadeca: @ayatawel #13baw good luck! you'll be a star!!! :-) >hear, hear, cheering from CRO as well

09-Jun-13 19:35 | mscro1@ayatawel you'll rock, as usual! take care and say hi to Mum & Emy! :) #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:35 | mariabossa

@catboissier #13baw how curious, cat!

09-Jun-13 19:36 | teresadeca

@ayatawel bye bye Ayat and sorry for the post :) take care #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:36 | Mbarek

@victorhugor have good lunch!! :) #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:36 | mariabossa

@ayatawel Bye Ayat. #13Baw

09-Jun-13 19:36 | joseantoniook

#13baw Bye, Ayat, nice to talk to you

09-Jun-13 19:36 | svetlanaobe

RT @abfromz: @teresadeca Thanks, Teresa, we're on the same wavelength :-) #soulsisters :-) #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:36 | abfromz

@joseantoniook @mscro1 @ayatawel @teresadeca sure JA! Any plans to come to snow in Argentina? #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:37 | mariabossa

Hubby just came form fishing, but no fish this time :( #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:37 | mscro1

#13baw svetlana, have you had any problems with the flooding? hope not

09-Jun-13 19:37 | teresadeca

@mscro1 Isn't there any fish shop nearby???? LOL :D #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:37 | mariabossa

@mariabossa @mscro1 @ayatawel @teresadeca Maria, I wish I could. Have to visit my family #13Baw

09-Jun-13 19:38 | joseantoniook

@joseantoniook Great!! Enjoy them, then!! #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:38 | mariabossa

@teresadeca Yes, Svetlana, I worried about you when I heard the news. #13Baw

09-Jun-13 19:39 | joseantoniook

Hope @BrankoRumenovic join us soon #13baw just messge me in Facebook

09-Jun-13 19:39 | mscro1

RT @Mbarek: @teresadeca Wishing you good luck ! Is the course there free? #13baw > Thanks,it is free,but we

must pay for own travel&lodging

09-Jun-13 19:39 | abfromz

@teresadeca #13Baw I worried about you Svetlana when I heard the news.

09-Jun-13 19:39 | joseantoniook

@teresadeca #13baw Luckily not, not in my part of the country. We had an awful flood in 1997, half of Olomouc

under water.

09-Jun-13 19:39 | svetlanaobe

@mscro1 #13baw no fish, no dinner

09-Jun-13 19:39 | mfr

@BrankoRumenovic helllooooooo! #13baw nice to have you with us

09-Jun-13 19:39 | mscro1@BrankoRumenovic Hello from Argentina! Nice to see you here!! Smiles, Maria :) #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:40 | mariabossa

Hello :)))))) #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:40 | BrankoRumenovic

Has anyone of you used twitter in the classroom ? How did your students react to it ? #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:40 | Mbarek

@mariabossa Thanks you, too. #13Baw

09-Jun-13 19:40 | joseantoniook

@joseantoniook @teresadeca #13baw And our house is on a hill, so no flood possible. Yet my town suffered in

1997. Not now.

09-Jun-13 19:40 | svetlanaobe

RT @mscro1: Hubby just came form fishing, but no fish this time :( #13baw > next time,I'm sure :-)

09-Jun-13 19:40 | abfromz

@mfr @mscro1 Sure!!!! But Marijana is great at cooking!! I've seen pics of her doing so!! LOL #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:41 | mariabossa

@svetlanaobe @joseantoniook #13baw what a relief, svetlana!

09-Jun-13 19:41 | teresadeca

@catboissier we had luch - fish yesterday he caught a big 1 20 kg,, hubby gr8 fisherman #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:41 | mscro1

RT @BrankoRumenovic: Hello :)))))) #13baw > Hello, Branko, good to see you here :-)

09-Jun-13 19:41 | abfromz

@svetlanaobe @teresadeca That's good news Svetlana. This was a kind of jumpy month for me. I also have a

great friend in Oklahoma. #13Baw

09-Jun-13 19:42 | joseantoniook

@teresadeca #13baw Yes, indeed. But poor those who have had floods now. More rain coming.

09-Jun-13 19:42 | svetlanaobe

@abfromz he will, 4 sure, he is gr8, I make fish 3 timea a wekk during summer & at least once a week other day

of yr #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:42 | mscro1

@abfromz @BrankoRumenovic #13baw hi, branko! welcome! glad you could join us :-)

09-Jun-13 19:42 | teresadeca

@abfromz @teresadeca Thanks Arijana , since u have to pay for lodging and travel ; it is expensive for me


09-Jun-13 19:43 | Mbarek

@BrankoRumenovic It's great to hear from you again!! Lovely to know you had a great time!! Bravo! :) #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:43 | mariabossa

@svetlanaobe @teresadeca Thank God he and his family are fine #13Baw

09-Jun-13 19:43 | joseantoniook

@lolesova @mfr @mscro1 yes, agree with you!!! I wish she could send us some of all she cooks! :) #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:43 | mariabossa

@svetlanaobe #13baw i totally agree, svetlana, and do think about all those poor people being hit by the floods

09-Jun-13 19:44 | teresadeca

RT @teresadeca: @svetlanaobe #13baw i agree,& do think about all those poor people being hit by the floods >

terrible, coming to CRO now!!

09-Jun-13 19:44 | mscro1@teresadeca @svetlanaobe It sure is devastating. The flood season here is generally in December and January.


09-Jun-13 19:45 | joseantoniook

@mfr hahaha Fer, fridge is already full with fish, #13baw will be dinner tomorrow :)

09-Jun-13 19:46 | mscro1

#13baw Have to go now pals!! It's great to have seen you! Sorry for the mistake and talk to you again soon! Take

care, smiles, Maria

09-Jun-13 19:46 | mariabossa

@joseantoniook @teresadeca @svetlanaobe In Morocco there are no floods yet but its one of the coldest years

recently #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:47 | Mbarek

@mariabossa Bye Maria. Enjoy the holidays. #13Baw

09-Jun-13 19:47 | joseantoniook

@Mbarek Try this: I wrote it last year abt Twitter for Teaching! @abfromz #13baw #edchatie Forgot the hashtags!

09-Jun-13 19:47 | domaho

@mariabossa #13baw bye, maria! great that you were here with us :-)

09-Jun-13 19:47 | teresadeca

@mariabossa @lolesova @mfr U ladies are always welcome in CRO #13baw & will cook 4 U, even though I

don't of myself as gud cook, @abfromz ??

09-Jun-13 19:47 | mscro1

@joseantoniook #13baw brigada minino bonito!! Caipirinha is waiting!

09-Jun-13 19:47 | mariabossa

@abfromz What is #13baw ? :)

09-Jun-13 19:47 | domaho

@mariabossa Take care Maria , wishing you all the best #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:48 | Mbarek

@mariabossa it's was gr8 to talk to U, even shortly, hugs back we will skype soon #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:48 | mscro1

@lolesova #13baw Thanks Larisa, Talk to you soon! :)

09-Jun-13 19:48 | mariabossa

@mariabossa It sure is Maria. Lots of caipiring. Tchau menina bonita. #13Baw

09-Jun-13 19:48 | joseantoniook

@mscro1 #13baw thanks! Sure, bye bye! :)

09-Jun-13 19:48 | mariabossa

@domaho @abfromz Thanks Donal ,:) I saved it for future check #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:49 | Mbarek

@Mbarek @joseantoniook @teresadeca @svetlanaobe how cold is cold for Morrooco? #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:49 | mscro1

@teresadeca Brigada Tere!!!! I wish I could attend RI meeting in Lisbon so as to visit you! #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:49 | mariabossa

@mariabossa #13baw i'd love that, maria :-)

09-Jun-13 19:50 | teresadeca

@domaho @abfromz Thanks Donal ,:) I saved it for future check #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:50 | Mbarek#13Baw I will also have to go now. Thanks a lot. It ws great.#13Baw

09-Jun-13 19:50 | joseantoniook

@teresadeca One day... maybe!! Brigada! :) #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:50 | mariabossa

Bye JA, talk to U soon, 4 blogging project, will send mail, my kids wud continu in summer if ok #13Baw

09-Jun-13 19:51 | mscro1

#13baw bye, dear JA! tk you for coming :-)

09-Jun-13 19:51 | teresadeca

@joseantoniook Have a great evening and week #13Baw

09-Jun-13 19:51 | joseantoniook

@mscro1 #13baw will soon be skype meeting???

09-Jun-13 19:52 | BrankoRumenovic

@joseantoniook Good bye Jose Antonio . Pleased you were here :)#13baw

09-Jun-13 19:52 | Mbarek

@joseantoniook thx, U to, will send mail soon regarding blogging project #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:52 | mscro1

@mscro1 I will get another group, but it is fine. We can continue it with new students if ok #13Baw

09-Jun-13 19:52 | joseantoniook

@mscro1 Of course it is okay with me. #13Baw

09-Jun-13 19:53 | joseantoniook

@Mbarek Thanks Mbarek. It was great to see you here #13Baw

09-Jun-13 19:54 | joseantoniook

@BrankoRumenovic don't know, but I suggest we have regulary TweetMeet #13baw at least every 2 weeks

@teresadeca ??, what U think

09-Jun-13 19:54 | mscro1

@mscro1 Bye Marijana, be in touch. #13Baw

09-Jun-13 19:54 | joseantoniook

#13baw i'll send the link a little later to the baw mods list, ok?, svetlana and fernanda?

09-Jun-13 19:55 | teresadeca

Thank you Teresa for the initiative ; thanks every1 whi joined this TM . I hope we'd do it again and again #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:55 | Mbarek

@teresadeca too bad tweetdoc is not working, but we can make storify with the best and funniest tweets :)

#13baw, I just checked today

09-Jun-13 19:56 | mscro1

@teresadeca #13baw Good, thanks for that.

09-Jun-13 19:56 | svetlanaobe

#13baw i hink i'll call it a TM! i still have a couple of messages to send and will then rest. great being with you all!


09-Jun-13 19:56 | teresadeca

#13baw marijana, will you save the tweetlog, pls? i can create the wiki page tomorrow

09-Jun-13 19:57 | teresadeca

@catboissier @Mbarek bye Cat :) hugs back #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:57 | mscro1#13baw bye, everyone! take care :-)

09-Jun-13 19:58 | teresadeca

#13baw I will have to go to bed now, will have an early morning tomorrow. Thanks all, it was nice being with you.

09-Jun-13 19:58 | svetlanaobe

RT @Mbarek: Thank you Teresa for the initiative ; thanks every1 whi joined this TM . I hope we'd do it again and

again #13baw >yes was FUN

09-Jun-13 19:58 | mscro1

@Mbarek @teresadeca for me too, but i'll try to do something so that i can go if selected #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:58 | abfromz

@lolesova #13baw tks to you all for showing up :-)

09-Jun-13 19:58 | teresadeca

We can all call it a night soon, and think of the next tweetmeet soon, do follow group mails :) #13baw,

09-Jun-13 19:59 | mscro1

@BrankoRumenovic thanks so much :-)))) i really appreciate it , will keep you posted #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:59 | abfromz

@teresadeca Bye bye Teresa , have sweet dreams :) #13baw

09-Jun-13 19:59 | Mbarek

@abfromz fingers crossed, I know U are unbreakable :) "Girl on fire #13baw

09-Jun-13 20:00 | mscro1

@svetlanaobe Have sweet dreams Svetlana , hugs to you and Ali Baba #13baw

09-Jun-13 20:00 | Mbarek

@teresadeca @lolesova YOU too Teresa, nice to tweet with you :) hugs to both of U :) #13baw

09-Jun-13 20:01 | mscro1

RT @Mbarek: @svetlanaobe Have sweet dreams Svetlana , hugs to you and Ali Baba #13baw

09-Jun-13 20:01 | mscro1

@abfromz @teresadeca Best of luck , pls keep me updated of the advancement of your course #13baw

09-Jun-13 20:01 | Mbarek

It was a nice, quick, funny & interesting TweetMeet of friends and educators, as we only know it #13baw :)

09-Jun-13 20:02 | mscro1

@mscro1 Before you go , pls tell me your name , i couldnt discover it from the exchange :) #13baw

09-Jun-13 20:03 | Mbarek

Thanks all for coming, thx @Mbarek 4 moderating it as well :) #13baw, we should all meet soon :) bye, good night

09-Jun-13 20:03 | mscro1

@Mbarek I posted my name in the beggining so that U all know it's me Marijana LOL :) @svetlanaobe was

confused as well :) #13baw, takecare

09-Jun-13 20:04 | mscro1

@domaho #13BAW is Become a webhead - EVO course - Electronic Village Online- for English Teachers

09-Jun-13 20:04 | abfromz

@mscro1 You re welcome , pleased to moderate with you #13baw

09-Jun-13 20:05 | Mbarek

@domaho @abfromz Gr8 U joined us hope U join us again #13baw

09-Jun-13 20:05 | mscro1my baby boy is tired, too much of Fairytales and icecream, we will call it a night #13baw, bye

09-Jun-13 20:06 | mscro1

“@abfromz: @domaho #13BAW is Become a webhead - EVO course - Electronic Village Online- for English

Teachers” #edchatie

09-Jun-13 20:06 | domaho

@mscro1 @svetlanaobe LoL Marijana !!! You put me in suspence along the session , big hugs to you dear

#13baw have sweet dreams

09-Jun-13 20:06 | Mbarek

@domaho @abfromz yes, but anyone can join, not just English teachers, we teach web tools in EVO course in

Jan and Feb each yr #13baw

09-Jun-13 20:07 | mscro1

"@Mbarek: @mscro1 @teresadeca Best of luck , pls keep me updated of the advancement of your course

#13baw" Thanks

09-Jun-13 20:07 | abfromz

@domaho check out our wiki from this yr http://t.co/Bsb3ntR6LH #13baw

09-Jun-13 20:07 | mscro1

RT @domaho: “@abfromz: @domaho #13BAW is Become a webhead - EVO course - Electronic Village Onlinefor English Teachers” #edchatie

09-Jun-13 20:08 | AinedeFaoite

bye bye everyone :) #13baw

09-Jun-13 20:09 | Mbarek

"@mscro1: @abfromz fingers crossed, I know U are unbreakable :) "Girl on fire #13baw" < I'm a fighter (and a

lover as well :-)

09-Jun-13 20:23 | abfromz

#13baw sorry dear friends, my sister asked me for help to solve a problem in her computer and I didn't say


09-Jun-13 20:24 | mfr

@mscro1: Thanks for the invite to #13baw It was a huge pleasure

09-Jun-13 20:27 | abfromz

@abfromz It was a pleasure, we will welcome you next time as well! #13baw

09-Jun-13 20:42 | mscro1

@mfr no worries Fernanda, it was gr8 to chat with you, talk to U soon, Hugs Marijana #13baw

09-Jun-13 20:43 | mscro1

These alias are a bit puzzling. #13baw

10-Jun-13 07:28 | TobiasPechmannr

Dear @kfraztsai sorry 2 have missed U #13baw TweetMeet, but just keep twitting using this #13baw hashtag &

tweets will appear in same search

10-Jun-13 20:18 | mscro1

RT @kfraztsai:sending tweet greet 2 all of U! sorry I missed tweet meet! Will look forward 2 the next 1 :-) > next

time join us #13baw

10-Jun-13 20:20 | mscro1


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